Director: Raya Martin
Producer: Ria Limjap
Co-Producers: Armi Cacanindin, Arleen Cuevas
Based on the book “Puppy Love and Thirteen Short Stories by F. Sionil Jose

Synopsis: Manila, 1969. Jake Salcedo, a successful lawyer and family man, finds himself embroiled in a lurid criminal case about a woman who killed her husband. He is certain he knows the accused: he once danced with her at a glamorous Manila nightclub a decade ago. Despite the pressures at work and his increasingly curious wife Jenny, Jake risks everything to help the incarcerated woman. He ends up at the prison where she is held, waiting for her fate as a convicted criminal. He cannot help but remember the past—far beyond the nightclub encounter—all the way back to childhood, where he was a poor boy with a hopeless crush on Gina Garcia, the daughter of the richest landowner in their small town. He secretly adores Gina, but before he can declare his love, their lives are torn apart by the war.

  • superwebmaster

  • Saturday, October 06, 2018